Wednesday 4 September 2013

Toys for Cognitive Development

Cognitive development is the ability to process information, reason and remember. It is reflected in the child’s ability to understand and solve problems.

Preschool children love to play. They build towers, solve puzzles, sort things and participate in make believe play. These games help build their understanding of concepts and master skills. Providing children with an environment that is stimulating is essential for cognitive development. Results of research studies have indicated that there is a direct relationship between children's environment and their developmental status. Availability of stimulating play materials is more strongly related to child developmental status than other factor.   It is therefore important that preschools provide a rich environment to their students stocked with toys and materials to encourage exploration and active participation.

A stimulating environment that supports cognitive development is made up of age appropriate toys that encourage children to manipulate, explore, count, quantify and match tangible objects. Below is a list of toys that can help teachers create a stimulating environment in their classrooms.

  • Toys for sorting and matching to help children categorize and form groups based on one or multiple criteria.
  • Puzzles to help children understand part-whole relationships
  • Beads for stringing to help children identify, extend and create patterns; and for enhancing fine motor co-ordination
  • Blocks for building and developing a conceptual understanding of shapes, size and stability
  • Sand and water play toys to help children understand concepts like half, full and empty and to explore the properties of materials
  • Puppets to support language development

A stimulating environment equipped with developmentally appropriate toys mediated by a teacher who encourages, supports and guides children’s play can ensure accelerated cognitive development.